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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Purpose of this privacy policy

The main privacy policy is to give you information on how Neo Travelmart collects and processes your data through your use of this website (www.neotravelmart.com) including any data that you may provide through this website when you sign up to our website, submit a travel quotation inquiry, purchase a holiday package or discuss your travel requirements. You must read this privacy notice carefully so that you are aware of how and why we are using your data (collectively referred to as “Neo Travelmart” ad ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’ in this privacy policy. This website is not intended for children, we knowingly do not collect data relating to children. If we learn that we have collected or received information under 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information.

Member’s profile

When you are booking for your travel from our website, we need to collect some certain mandatory information so that we can process it further.

  • • Name
  • • Date of birth
  • • Gender
  • • mailing address
  • • e-mail address
  • • Telephone number
  • • Frequent traveler number
  • • Credit card and payment information
  • • Travel and accommodation details
  • • Passport information
  • • Special travel requests, such as a request for a wheelchair, sitting arrangements, or a special meal.

**Individual profile and company details are not used for any other reasons and will never be supplied to a third party.

Third parties

Sometimes the third party will provide some exciting offers and plans for clients and, for that Neo Travelmart may give your personal information to a third party so that you can get the best of it from such opportunities. Our website may include links to a third party. Clicking to those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control third parties websites and we are not responsible for their privacy statements.

Information collected on the site

When you visit our website, our Internet Service Provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for static reasons:

  • • Your server address
  • • Your top-level domains ( for example: www., .com, .in etc)
  • • The date and time, when you visit our website
  • • Which type of browser you are using
  • • The page you accessed

Sometimes we may use some advertising companies to serve ads on our website and another website. These companies may use your information (not personal data or contact details) about their websites visitors and to provide you advertisements about goods and services of your interest. We have special in-hand services for your data protection and they are available for all your questions and data-related queries.

We may have collected, use, stored, and transferred different kinds of data, which we grouped have together as follows:

  • • Identity data: It includes your first name, last name, marital status, date of birth, and gender.
  • • Contact data: It includes your billing address, email address, residence address, and phone number.
  • • Financial data: It includes your bank account and payment details and also details about payment to and from you and services you have purchased from us.
  • • Technical data: It includes your IP address, browsers type and version, operating system platform, and other technology on the device you use to access our website.
  • • Usage data: it includes information about how you use our website, products, and services.

If you fail to provide personal data

We need to collect your data under the law and the contract binds up between you and us. If you are not able to provide us with personal information with original documents, we may not be able to further continue the contract we have or trying to have. In that, we will cancel all the services you have with us, but we will notify you in advance.

Booking Details

If you are booking a trip with us, we are going to ask you to provide some certain details so that we can arrange travel on behalf of you. This likely includes details of your passport, emergency contacts, travel insurance, preferences or special choices, Visa requirements, and some others. We would also like to have details of friends and family who are accompanying you as part of the journey, but we would clear that to have consent from your friend or family member before sharing their details. We need this information for booking your trip on behalf of you.

Disclosure of Information

Neo Travelmart will not rent, send, trade, or share your personal information with others. We do not log in to your data and nor we do link your data with others' profiles. We also collect the information which you provide by volunteering yourself while using our services.


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